Colors/Font Controls
Here’s where you can do any of the following:
- change Groups panel background color
- change Groups panel font color
- change Groups panel selected highlight color
- change Items panel background color
- change Items panel font color
- change Items panel selected highlight color
- change Groups/Items panel font
- reset all of the above to default settings
Change Groups Panel Background Color:
Click the groups background color box to open the color selector.
Change Groups Panel Font Color:
Click the groups font color box to open the color selector.
Change Groups Panel Highlight Color:
Click the groups selected group highlight color box to open the color selector.
Change Items Panel Background Color:
Click the items background color box to open the color selector.
Change Items Panel Font Color:
Click the items font color box to open the color selector.
Change Items Panel Highlight Color:
Click the items selected item highlight color box to open the color selector.
Change Groups/Items Font:
Click the groups/items font box to open the font selector.
See below for a list of fonts common to most PCs
Reset Colors and Font:
Click the orange button to reset all colors and fonts to default settings.
List of Recommended Fonts:
The following fonts are available on most Windows and MAC PCs:
Font | Style |
Arial | sans-serif |
Arial Black | sans-serif |
Impact | sans-serif |
Lucida Sans Unicode | sans-serif |
MS Sans Serif | sans-serif |
Tahoma | sans-serif |
Trebuchet MS | sans-serif |
Verdana | sans-serif |
Georgia | serif |
MS Serif | serif |
Palatino Linotype | serif |
Times New Roman | serif |
Comic Sans MS | cursive |
Courier New | monospace |
Lucida Console | monospace |
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